


Damian Wilk - Adaptino

Multilingual website showcasing translator's services.

Built with: Bootstrap 4, jQuery, Animate.css.


Damian Wilk - PogChamp

Overwatch fan app displaying info about all characters. I also added custom flavor texts.

Built with: Create React App, Hooks, Media Queries, Flexbox, Grid

Guess the Sound

Damian Wilk - Guess the sound

Interactive sound game. Listen to tracks and choose the right answer.

Built with: Create React App, Hooks, Flexbox


Damian Wilk - Tauren

Tauren dating app landing page. Includes random string generator and humorous WoW references.

Built with: Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, jQuery

Responsive Online Resume

Damian Wilk - Online Resume

Document displaying info about work experience, skills, hobbies, and other. A generic version is available on GitHub

Built with: SCSS, Flexbox, Grid